Of course, I promised some pictures of the house. I have some! I can show you the kitchen (current), the living room/entry area (from Christmas time), the dining room (current), and the laundry room (current). The bedrooms and bathrooms are not quite ready for a photo op (cleanliness, you see).
Here's the kitchen! We painted it yesterday (finally!), so these are "fresh off the press"!
This is the view of the "happy yellow" kitchen from the dining room. The whole time Mom and I were painting yesterday, we kept saying, "Happy yellow!" randomly. We are SO in love with this. Eventually, there will be brightly colored accents...the start of which you can see below:
If you look very closely, to the left of the pantry door there are colorful pictures from IKEA. There are also a couple colorful pictures to the right (you can only see the black of the frame in this picture). I also have brightly colored: measuring cups/spoons, juicer ("old fashioned"), towels, a few trinkets in the kitchen window, etc.
Facing from the entry way toward the Master bedroom (the door on the right!).
Facing from the dining room to the window in the living room.
At an angle from the dining room to see the window AND the door to the Master bedroom.
From the Master bedroom toward the entryway/"front door". We actually have two side doors...the front of our house (the part that faces the street) doesn't have a door. This door (above) is technically the "front door", as the other enters through the laundry room. It's not really a guest entrance. :)
Now for the dining room! It's also our music room...but it's multipurpose. We have a table we use as what I like to call a "command center". We put mail there, write memos on the whiteboard above the table about who owes who money, where we'll be when, etc. It's an info center, if you will.
View of the dining room from the kitchen.
This view is still from the kitchen, but it's at an angle, so you can see the "command center" table, and into the living room.
Here's the little bit of art we've got up right now. This is sentimental for me, because this poster was given to everyone in the band/colorguard when our band marched the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena (2005). It was my senior year...so, everything carried a little more nostalgic/sentimental weight than it might have otherwise. :) The theme that year was "Celebrate Family", which I happen to like. I also like the colors on the poster, so I put it up.
Laundry room! :)
I LOVE this color. I once saw a picture of a laundry room in a similar color on Pinterest, and I fell in love. I knew I had to paint my laundry room some version of turquoise/aqua when I bought a house. There are still a few spots where we need to finish the cut-in on the painting, but they're not obvious in the picture. :) Also, excuse the mess. It's MUCH better than it used to be, which is why I went ahead and shared it, but ideally there wouldn't be a pile of stuff on top of the washer and dryer. :)
So, there's an update on the house! I promise I will get better at the blogging thing. I've been overwhelmed with stuff, but I started eating Whole30 14 days ago, and I all of a sudden have more energy. I plan to keep eating as much of the Whole30 plan as I can, with a little wiggle room for treats and things occasionally. It's hard being a teacher and not being able to have a little pumpkin dessert now and again.
Anyway, I have a few more blogs planned...I need to introduce you to my new kitten, Topanga! I also want to do a Whole30 follow-up blog. I've been keeping a food diary, and tracking myself with the timeline they have on their website to see how accurate my experience is. I also will post a new photo tour of my classroom. School starts on Tuesday, and it is ALMOST done. Whew! I have a couple hours of work to put in tomorrow before I'll feel 100% ready.
I hope to schedule my blogs a little more efficiently this year. I'm thinking maybe I'll pick 3 different days a week and post different types of blogs each day-cooking, teacher/classroom, home/miscellaneous. What do you think? I think it might help me be more accountable to post if I knew I was "supposed" to post on certain days, and also if there was a general topic at hand.
Let me know what you think, and keep your eyes open for a few upcoming blogs! I'll do my best to update sooner than I did this time! Almost 3 months is altogether TOO long! <3 p="">
love the house pics! can't wait to see it in person and of course meet your new furbaby!