First, I want to say thank you for all the support for my last blog post. I am thankful to have friends and family who were able to acknowledge my bisexuality in a respectful manner. I cannot say, "Thank you!" enough for the respect given to my request to not argue or debate. I have always felt anxious about posting any sort of "controversial" topic on all my social media accounts because I don't enjoy engaging in debate about these sorts of things. The issue isn't that I'm afraid of the conversations or the disagreement in general. It's truly just a lack of personal connection surrounding the conversation when it is text based over the internet. SO MUCH gets lost in translation that way, and I get way more worked up than necessary when I disagree with people on the internet. (I'm working on this.)
Second, I want to explain why I haven't responded to each of you personally. You may have noticed (or maybe not) that I responded to each and every comment on Facebook with the "love" reaction, and to each and every comment on my "Coming Out" blog post with a heart. I'm pretty sure I only responded with a comment/reply to ONE Facebook comment. It's NOT that I don't want to respond to you. I am just a bit overwhelmed. There have been so many responses, and I like to give each one my full attention and place value on my response. That said, I will likely never respond to each person individually. I generally want to, but I don't have the emotional energy to engage in a response of that nature at this time. I also don't want people to feel left out if they see my response to someone else, but not to them. It's NOT personal. I love you all. I appreciate your love and support. I want you to know that, but I just can't provide the personal response to each and every person. There are currently 59 comments on my Facebook post, as well as 89 "reactions" (likes and other responses). I value the reactions as well as the comments, because I know that those reactions are just as meaningful as the words typed out by comment. I cannot respond to all 148 of those (though I'm positive that many of the reactions are the same people who also commented). It's just not a wise use of my time and energy. That doesn't mean I don't love or appreciate you! <3 p="">
Finally, I want to thank those people I came out to BEFORE I posted my "Coming Out" blog entry. Your support and love helped me feel accepted and safe, which helped me feel comfortable coming out to the world. I know there are people who aren't accepting and supportive of my sexuality, and that's ok. I don't need EVERYONE's acceptance and support as long as I have the support of people who truly love me and accept me. So thank you for that! <3 p="">
Another thing I want to address - I've had VERY FEW people ask me questions about my sexuality. I am not opposed to questions, and I'm willing to answer most questions I'm asked. I do ask, though, that you are respectful in your questions and that you contact me personally, not publicly. I may choose to answer it publicly (likely another blog post), but I'd rather not have the question out there for the whole world to see unless I choose to do so. I also want you to know that I may not answer every question you ask. If it makes me uncomfortable, I'm not answering it. BUT I do want to encourage questions, because I believe that bisexuality is all too often erased and misunderstood. I want people to understand bisexuality better and I want people to understand me better. So, feel free to contact me if you have questions, providing you're aware that I may not answer it.
Love to you all!
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