Sunday, June 17, 2012

It's Over

My little babies graduated.  Preschool graduation was on Wednesday.  It's weird, but as relieved as I am, I'm also sad.  I'm going to miss it.  Of course, I jump into practically the same thing on this upcoming Wednesday-at the YMCA.  I'll still see most of my kiddos in the fall, too, because they're all going to be in music with me!  =)

BTW, for anyone out there who went to EDHS with me, one of my students' parents is close friends with Miss Petitt.  She and this parent went to high school together and then this parent moved to Oregon, got married, and had kids.  Small world, right?

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Welcome to June...

So, it's June now.  How did that happen? 

Anyways, I was filling out my lesson plans for the next week and a half (yes, literally, that's ALL that I have left with Preschool!).  It's like...I don't have any time with them left.  Even though the last 2 days have been extremely difficult (kids not listening to instructions, yelling, screaming, crying for no apparent reason...), it's going to be sad at the end of the year.  At least most of them will still be my students next year!  I'll just be their music teacher instead!  =)

Speaking of that...the information about teacher changes went out in the school newsletter this week.  That means people are aware that I'll be teaching music and health next year, which means people will be coming and talking to me about it-ALL THE TIME.  I'm ok with that, I suppose, but I'm just not exactly sure how I feel about it.  Are they excited?  Are they unhappy?  Are they unsure?  I'm kind of excited, unsure, and nervous.  So, if I feel that way, wouldn't they be feeling that way, too?

Ugh.  I guess what I'm nervous about is that now that all of this has gone public, are people going to feel free to talk openly about how "awful" music was this year?  Or how they didn't think the concert was very good?  I mean, the current music teacher will still be around until June 15.  I sure hope that means that people will keep their mouths shut about it until then. 

I guess what I'm MOST nervous about, if I allow myself to really consider it, is the current music teacher's reaction.  Is she going to be upset with me, even though I didn't have anything to do with her not being there next year?  Sure, I'll be teaching what she's currently teaching, but I didn't take it from her.  It was given to me once they decided she wouldn't be there next year.  So...I guess I'm afraid she'll take her emotions out on me.  Let's hope she doesn't.

Um...yup.  That's it for now.  I have other things that I want to share, but I guess I should wait until I really have something to share, not just a kind of something.