Saturday, July 29, 2017


Hi friends. I'm still alive. I don't know what to post, but I have felt lately like I should pick back up on the blogging.


Expect a (possible) resurgence in my blog posting. I'm considering blogging on certain days and either posting about certain topics or whatever sparks my imagination.

For now, be content with this:

1. My house is still great. I hate the HOA, though, so I'm considering a move.

2. I now live alone. Mom and Tracy moved out (did Mom live with us last time I blogged? I don't know. If not, she moved in...AND moved out). I now have my whole house for me, Maggie (dog), Austen (cat), and Topanga (cat).

3. Topanga is new since my last post, I'm sure. She's only 2 years old...but I don't remember when my last post was. I looked, but I forgot the date! If she's not new, she's bigger. HA!

4. I changed jobs. I now teach 5th grade at St. Luke Catholic School in Woodburn. I start my 2nd year there in just a few weeks.

5. In case it's new since I last posted...Tracy and I co-lead youth at church.

6. Last year I went on a YCEW trip to Bolivia. YCEW stands for Youth Challenged to Expand their Worldview. My YCEW trip was the first inter-generational trip. We had 6 youth and 5 adults. We spent much of our time in La Paz and did home stays with families from the local church.

There's SO much more to update you on, but I don't know what else to tell you right now. If you're curious about something in particular, comment and ask! Otherwise, I'll post again soon!