Sunday, February 2, 2014

Gluten Free

So, I was perusing Pinterest today. I haven't done that in a while! While I was clicking from pin to pin, I found this article:

As I was reading through the article, I found that many of these symptoms are things I've been dealing with for a while! So, I decided it was about time I start eating gluten free.

Adjusting to gluten free is difficult. I don't think eating gluten free will be hard in and of itself, but making the necessary changes is the hard part. I didn't realize how much gluten I was actually eating, but it's a lot!

So, I think I will start tracking changes in my symptoms. Maybe even weight, too? I have read various information about eating gluten free and how it doesn't always help with weight loss. So, I want to see what happens with me...

I'll keep you updated!

Also...I have a few blogs coming up. I have taken too much time "off" from the blog! Woops!