Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year 2014!

I hope you had a safe and fun New Year's Eve with family and/or friends! My New Year's Eve was fairly lowkey, but I rather enjoyed it!

My sister and I joked most of the day yesterday that we didn't think we'd make it until midnight. Then we both ended up taking long naps in the afternoon-the unplanned sort of naps that just feel so luxurious! It was great, but when we woke up around 6pm we realized we needed to go grocery shopping. We went through our grocery/meal planning and finally headed out for the grocery store around 8:15pm. So late, right?

When we got home from grocery shopping, it was after 9pm! We  quickly cooked our "dinner" of appetizers, cut up veggies, mixed dip, and popped in the first DVD of How I Met Your Mother season 1. That lasted us until about 12:30. We made it past midnight (probably due to the naps)! When the disc ended, we both were ready for bed. We said, "Happy New Year" to each other and went to sleep! Ha!

As far as the New Year goes, it's also been lowkey so far. I slept until 11 or so (with a couple "wakeups" in between in the 4 o'clock and 8 o'clock hours). My sister and I drank coffee and I ate a bagel while we watched the beginning of Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. We got "interrupted" by a skype date with my dear friend Emily and her adorable son Bryce. While I was talking to Emily and Bryce, my mom showed up for a quick visit. When mom left, Tracy and I continued LOTR. :)

Now for my 2014 resolutions. This year I've chosen to keep my resolution from 2013 going, as I felt I kind of picked up steam a bit at the end of the year, and also add a couple more.

Here are my 3 resolutions for 2014:
1) Continue my efforts toward being more active in a variety of ways.
2) Keep things more organized, clean, and clutter free.
3) Work toward a healthier me.

I've address resolution #1 in previous posts, so let me address resolutions #2 and #3.

#2-I have not done a great job over the last 4 months or so at keeping my living space, car, etc. clean and organized. I want to do a better job of this. Fortunately, my sister agreed that she wants to join me in this. I am hoping between the two of us, we can accomplish this. I don't need to be perfectly clean and organized, but it's been in a ridiculous state most of the time we've lived here. I would like to change that in 2014.

#3-I have gained back some of the weight I lost in 2012 and 2013. I am also not eating as many healthy foods as I was previously. My goal this year is not to "lose weight" or "stop eating junk food", because I feel like those are such intense goals that will surely result in failure, disappointment, and possibly depression. I don't want to do that to myself. Instead, I just want to make a few changes to start with, and potentially build from there. I am planning to start by incorporating more vegetables into my diet. I eat veggies fairly regularly, but there's not much variety, nor am I eating anywhere near enough veggies. So that's where I'm starting. I will try to add in more fruit, lessen the carbs, cut out diet soda, possibly cut out soda altogether, decrease the sugar intake, etc. These are all areas I want to work on as far as the food portion goes. Additionally, I need to increase my exercise. I have basically done NOTHING about exercise since I moved at the end of August. I used to walk fairly often in my neighborhood before I moved. I would also drive down to a fun nature trail to walk occasionally. I have not felt as comfortable walking in my current neighborhood, and I have taken no steps toward finding a trail to walk since I moved. That's something I need to look into. I also need to consider using my Wii Fit, maybe going back to my 50 workout that I found on pinterest, and research other ways I can easily exercise in my cold, wet location.

So, those are my goals for 2014. I feel like they are all broad enough that I can feel successful. :)

What are your resolutions for 2014?

I pray God's blessings over you as we start this new year together, even from afar!