Friday, January 11, 2013

More activity

So, this week I did a few more "active" things, as per my resolution.

On Wednesday, I went to a rehearsal for the Clackamas Community Band. I will admit, they're a pretty low-key group, but it's nice to have somewhere to play again. My clarinet and I almost forgot what each other looked like!

This afternoon, a co-worker and I went to Happy Hour at the restaurant a couple blocks away from work. It was totally impromptu, but definitely fun. It's nice to have more social activity in my life. :)

I have spent more bonding time with my kitty. She's needed it. I think she feels extremely attention deprived since I ditched her when I was in California over break. The poor thing is CONSTANTLY begging to get into my bedroom. I've been holing up in there more often in the cold weather. I don't see the point in heating my entire apartment, since I don't have one thermostat. There's one in my bedroom and a "space"-type heater on the wall. There's another thermostat in the main living area, and two "space"-type heaters that run from that in opposite ends of the area. I've mainly been heating my bedroom, because I end up in there at the end of the night anyways. Let's be honest-I'm kind of an old lady when it comes to bedtime. I go to bed so early, that when I get home, I turn the heater on in my room to get it warmed up. I figure, it makes more sense for me to hang out in my room than for me to heat the rest of the apartment and hang out in the living area. I don't know if that makes a whole lot of sense, but it works for me.

I guess there hasn't been a whole lot of activity yet, but some is better than nothing! In a few weeks, the church I've been attending will have their kickoff for life groups. I'm planning to join one, and it'll be another thing to be active with.

What I REALLY need, though, is to get out and go walking. I'm trying to convince myself that if I just wear enough layers, I won't be so cold. We'll see if I can do it. Maybe I'll just make this a wii fit weekend and get active that way.

Do you have any suggestions for being more active? The area I have been struggling with most (not motivationally, but rather just not knowing how/what to do) is socially. I want to be more socially active, but I don't have that many people to spend my time with. I have a few friends, and we do spend time together, but I end up spending much of my weekend just sitting around and doing nothing. Not always so great. Any suggestions in that area would be appreciated. I hate meeting new people, but I've come to grips with the fact that I'm going to have to meet people if I want to have more friends to hang out with...

Monday, January 7, 2013

I have resolved...

So, my resolution was to be more active. I have already begun to do this in a few ways.

First, my friend Amy and I agreed to read through Scripture together. Our plan is to read 1 chapter each day, and to meet about once a week via Skype to discuss our week's readings. We decided to start in the New Testament, and because we like to be a bit different, we agreed to read through the books one at a time alphabetically. So, we are currently in the Book of Acts.  We didn't start on January 1, but that's ok. Today we are on chapter 5, and tomorrow we will read chapter 6 and meet via Skype. I am very excited to see where this will take us. :)

Second, I didn't want to put this on Facebook until I had more information, but I figure there are fewer people here to tell. Not to mention that I feel the few who read this blog are more trustworthy than the multitudes on Facebook! I am considering buying a house. My mom has agreed to help me with some of the preliminary costs (down payment and closing costs), mostly because she thinks if I can get into a house, I'll be saving a lot of money over time versus renting. I sent in some information to a mortgage broker on Wednesday evening. He called today and left a message while I was working, but we were only able to succeed at playing phone tag today. I'm hoping we can talk more tomorrow so I can get some real information. I am nervous that he's going to tell me I can't get a loan. I am also nervous he'll tell me I can get a loan, but for an amount that won't quite get me into a house. We'll see. Pray for me to be patient and trust God's plan and timing.

Third, I decided I'm going to put together a list of places nearby that I haven't been, things I haven't seen, etc. and start doing them. For instance, Multnomah Falls isn't very far from me. I have yet to hike up and see the falls! Granted, it will probably take some conditioning to be prepared for the hike, but I'm so close! I need to go see those falls! Anyway, be on the lookout for a bucket list of sorts. Once I have a draft of it, I'll post it and keep you updated with what I'm doing (hopefully with some pictures!).

Fourth, I am planning to get myself onto a cleaning routine. It's hard to take care of everything all the time. No one can keep up, let's be honest, and those that can are lacking in something, whether it's sanity, social life, sleep, etc. I choose not to be one of those people. So, to get myself there, I intend to choose one chore or cleaning task to do each day. Now, if I miss a day here or there it isn't the end of the world. However, this will make it MUCH easier on me when I do decide to clean my whole apartment. I will have less to do each weekend if I can get one piece done each day. Today I cleaned my bathroom-bathtub and all! If I do this regularly, nothing will ever be terribly dirty or have much to clean. This should make the task much easier. We shall see!

Fifth, I went back to work today after break. I know this isn't being active outside my normal set of activity, but after being on vacation for two full weeks, it's active enough.

We shall see what tomorrow brings! Who knows, maybe I'll get that stack of papers graded, my dishes ALL done, and even have time to write a letter? :)