Sunday, October 13, 2013

Slow and Steady Wins the Race?

So, it's been about a month and a half now that I've lived in Salem. That's weird. It feels like I've lived here longer than that in so many ways, and yet it also feels like it can't have possibly been that long!

Anyway, the point is that my sister and I are slowly settling into the apartment. We continue to add things, rearrange, decorate, etc. I am sure it will continue for a few more months. I like how things are turning out, especially when we grocery shop and spend WAY less than our budget. :) That's fun.

I felt like I needed to post, but I guess I don't have all that much to say. Maybe one of these days I'll try to plan a house warming (apartment warming?) party? I don't know who all I would invite, but it would be nice to show people where I live. :)

Thursday, October 3, 2013


So, this morning was pretty foggy. It was kind of pretty and a little eerie all at the same time.

While I was driving to work, a song came on that somehow made me think of unrequited love....or like...or whatever you want to call it. Whatever you want to call it, the thought I had still works the same. As I was driving down the road, it occurred to me that driving down a foggy road is kind of like unrequited "love". When you are driving in the fog, you think you know where the road is look ahead and it seems as though the road continues straight ahead. But then, all of a sudden, you can see that the road curves and heads a different direction.

Yep. I can relate to that metaphor, and I feel like it's pretty accurate.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Rough Afternoon

Some of you may know that I had an awkward "DTR" back in June. For those unaware, "DTR" stands for "define the relationship". I was interested in a guy who didn't think of me "in that way". He thought of me as a friend. That's great, but not what I thought was going on.

Anyway, over the summer I did my best to move on. We didn't talk for almost 2 months. Like zero contact. We're still "friends"...yep, I put it in quotes. It's nowhere near the same as what it was before. Part of that is because we never see each other since my whole job shift/move. I haven't seen him since June. It's weird.

The reason I brought it up today, though is because I am clearly not "over" him. He came to mind, which is fine to a certain extent. However, it brought on a whole slew of emotions I was not prepared for. I miss him. A lot. He's an awesome guy, and I definitely still want to be his friend. I'm just not sure I know HOW. It's hard. I am having trouble separating our friendship from the emotions/feelings I had/have for him.

I am doing my darnedest to move on completely, so I felt the need/desire to write about it because despite my awareness that I process best when I write/journal, I always drag my feet about journaling. Well, here it is. I'm having a hard time today, and it's because I miss him.

So be it. Hopefully writing this and more time will help heal he hurts.