Thursday, November 28, 2013

Classroom DIY: Whisper phones

So, I am a huge proponent of doing things on the cheap as much as possible. I don't always have the time or energy to seek out the cheap options, but when I find a way to do something in a less expensive way (that doesn't change the effect of the item), I do it!

I am regularly (although less lately) browsing boards on pinterest to find great ideas for both home and classroom. One that I kept seeing repeatedly (and over the last couple years!) was a DIY version of the whisper phone. For those unfamiliar with whisper phones, here's the idea: Whisper phone 1 and Whisper phone 2. Now, both of these are decent products. I've seen them when I'm browsing in the teacher supply stores. They're great. Younger students use them to hear themselves saying sounds, reading, etc. They are very helpful in getting students to say sounds correctly, hear themselves reading, and especially for keeping the classroom quieter during reading time while still allowing students to read aloud.

Now, if you went to both links, you may have discovered that the cheapest option from those two suppliers is $4.46 per whisper phone. It's quite possible that there are cheaper options online for someone willing to spend a while searching. I'm not willing to do that, since these days my free time feels more valuable and spending any extra minute searching for something that's not for me personally is not my #1 priority. I have 10 students. If I bought one whisper phone per student at $4.46, that would cost me $44.60. Ouch. But since I would like to have a few extras just incase some break (I have some rough boys in my class), it would cost even more! Let's say I wanted 3 extras. The new total would be $57.98. My pocketbook can't take that kind of thing...especially for ONE thing/group of things for my classroom. Ick.

I know these are probably things I will use again as time goes by and I keep teaching. But let's be real here. Why spend tons of money when it's unnecessary? Not to mention that if I have more than 3 that break I'll need to spend even more money to replace broken whisper phones! Or if my class size increases? Ah!!

So, after stopping to consider what this DIY would entail, I realized it was a fairly easy project, and it would save me TONS of money. Plus, it would be easy to replicate if I needed to replace or make more whisper phones.

So, about a month ago I went to Home Depot. I bought pvc piping (3/4" width), pvc elbows (again, 3/4" width), and a roll of cute duct tape. I am sure I could have purchased the duct tape elsewhere (say...Walmart?) and saved money, but in the moment I was tired and looking to save time. Even in buying the duct tape at Home Depot, I saved. At Home Depot they have a convenient little pvc cutting station, where I was able to cut my pieces into the 5" length I had decided on. I bought the elbows in the contractors' bulk packs, which made for additional savings! I was looking at short pieces of pvc pipe, and when I was looking and grabbed about 4 or 5 short pieces, a worker walked by and suggested that I buy a long piece instead. I said that I didn't need that much pipe, but the guy said it was cheaper to buy the long piece and I could leave the length of pipe I didn't need on the floor. GREAT! So I cut up my pvc pipe and went and purchased my supplies.

Now, I also bought a roll of purple electrical tape and cute baseball ornaments from the Christmas decor area (yep, it was already there in late October). But even with my extra items, my total was less that $16. That's less money than it would cost for 4 whisper phones!!!! Oh, and did I mention that I purchased supplies to make 15 whisper phones? YEP!!!

Of course, when I got home and tried to put the things together I discovered that 5" was too long for the phones to function. Woops. I guess I didn't think that part through. So, after a couple weeks of searching for my receipt and not finding it, I called Home Depot and explained my situation. They told me I didn't need my receipt, but to just bring the pieces in and cut them shorter. How wonderful is that?! I took the pieces down the Home Depot and cut them to 3", which turned out to be a MUCH better length. So, about 2 weeks ago (ok, it was like...11 days, so a week and a half?) I actually put the whisper phones together!

Here are some pictures of the DIY. It's super simple. Seriously.
Here's the contractor bulk pack. They had 10 elbows in each bag, which was perfect to make 5 phones. I bought 3 bags at around $2.50 each. (Again, I can't be exact since I can't find my receipt.)

Here are all my supplies and a completed whisper phone.

Here's a closer view of the adorable duct tape I found at Home Depot. It kind of goes with my "all-star" job chart, which is a baseball theme. Not a direct connection, but still cute.

Start by grabbing 2 of these elbows and one 3" length of pvc (not pictured here).

Then cut a short piece of duct tape (about 3") and roll it around a length of pvc. 

 Next, you push the elbows onto the ends of the length of pvc. You'll have to twist them to adjust the angles and match them so it will work as a "phone". Be careful not to scrunch the duct tape too much. A little bit is inevitable at the 3" length. I almost wish I'd cut them to 3 1/2" instead.

 Here are the first few completed whisper phones ready to go in the box! I put the box on top of my library shelf, and I let the students use them during reading groups, quiet reading when they finish their work, and even math! Some of them asked to use them during fact practice so they can say the math problems out loud.  I'm all for it, especially if it helps them!
 Haha, here I am modeling the whisper phone. :-p

I enjoy DIY projects, but I don't always find the time for them. I do have another one in the works...Christmas gifts for my students! I'll post photos from that DIY once it's complete! :)

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you and your family remember all the blessings God has poured into your lives, and thank Him for them! I know there are WAY more blessings in my life than I could list and I cannot adequately express my thanks. So instead, I'll share my students' memory verse from this week.

"Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name; make known among the nations what He has done." 
Psalm 105:1

God Bless! :)

Thursday, November 14, 2013


It's been a while since I posted. I will have to post a real update soon, but I wanted to share about the poetry my students are working on...first we wrote acrostic "poems" about the planets. They don't fully understand how they should work, but it was definitely a starting point!

Now we are working on nature haikus. They have been brainstorming about things in nature and writing descriptions of whatever animal, plant, etc. that they chose. For my example haiku, I wrote about the wind. Here is my example haiku:


Strong, invisible;
Howling through the trees at night;
Reminds me of God.

Haikus are fun, because the formula is fairly simple, which is especially important when working with 6-8 year olds. :) They seem to have a pretty good grasp on the 5/7/5 aspect. We practiced clapping syllables in various words. I am excited and nervous to see their first attempts at writing lines that actually have the correct number of syllables. They might get to that today!! :)