Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Grotto Festival of Lights

So, there's a Catholic church in Portland called "The Grotto". Every year, they host a "Festival of Lights", and along with the lights that they decorate with, they also host a nightly performance set. For the last few years, my school has been going to this Festival.

Being the music teacher, I planned out a concert and set up a performance time for my middle schoolers there. We performed on Sunday (Nov. 25). In the last few weeks, I was getting increasingly more anxious about this performance. I was worried that the kids would be as disrespectful and rude at the Grotto as they tend to be in class and rehearsal. I was pleasantly surprised by their performance, however. There were DEFINITELY areas in which we could improve, but some of that is due to my newness as a music teacher. Some of that is due to the age of the students AND their prior knowledge of music.

Anyways, I would HIGHLY recommend going to this event if you are in the Portland area. It's a beautiful set of lights to look at, they have a long list of groups that are performing, and it's just incredible. Plus, it's Christmas. We all tend to head to church around this time of year (even those who don't go regularly).

I will tell you, it does cost some money to get in. It's $9 for adults, and there's a discounted ticket for both seniors and children. I have some discount tickets left from our performance ($1 off), and anyone who wants them can have them.

For those of you who aren't in the Portland area, plan a trip to Portland around Christmastime in the future and put this on your to-do list. Of course, having family/friends in the area helps. If you're reading this, though, you're probably friends with me. That would be a great reason to come...


Saturday, November 24, 2012


So, lately I've been walking more.  It's not always a whole lot, but I've been trying to be active as much as possible. Walking seemed easiest...

Anyways, Mom, Tracy, my friend Amy, and I walked the "Turkey Trot" at the zoo/Washington Park on Thanksgiving.  It was a 4 mile walk through Washington Park, and it ended inside the zoo.  Talk about cool!  It was a gorgeous area to walk through.  It was hilly (I was not expecting that!), there were so many trees that had colorful leaves, and then (the best part!) we got to see some animals at the end.  LOVE it!

Amy is extremely encouraging.  She motivates me to push myself harder than I would, even without saying anything.  She naturally walks faster than I do, and I tend to try to keep up with her when we walk together.  It keeps me moving quickly, and maybe it's a bit of a competitive streak that keeps me trying to pass her (even though it's not easy for me to do!). She also got me to run little bits of it.  She was so great about not pressuring me to do it, but I actually enjoyed it. We even ran at the very end of the "race".  I started running, faster than before, and she said, "Are you going to beat me?" I responded, "YES!", but of course she passed me right at the last second. I should have known.

Thursday I spent the night out in Dundee at Mom's house, and when we got up on Friday we went walking at the neighborhood park. We walked at least 2 loops before it started raining and Mom wanted to head home.  I'm not exactly sure how long each loop is, but I think it's about a mile? Whatever.  We walked at least two miles from the house to the park and then back.  Not absolutely sure.

This morning I went walking on the Clackamas River Trail here in Oregon City.  I think I walked approximately 3 miles, because the trail length is 1.3 miles, and then I walked beyond the trail's end to the nearby bridge.  The sign said it was .2 miles from the trail to the bridge.  So...1.3+.2=1.5*2=3.  Anyways, 3-ish miles.  I even ran a few little spurts. It's going to take me a long time, but I want to be ready to run with Amy for next year's "Turkey Trot".

I need to find some new trails, though. I'm getting a little bit tired of walking the same trail. I also don't particularly want to walk around the hospital, either...

Anyone in California up for some walking when I'm down in December? :)

Friday, November 23, 2012

Sisterly love

I love my sister. I start with that, because I need the reminder.

My sister is a difficult person to get along with at times. I think she means well, but her reactions and sometimes her statements are just plain rude. I've been doing everything I can think of to smooth the bumps out in our relationship. Here's the sad part: relationships are a two-way street. I can smooth my side out all I want, but the second she gets in her car and drives over the bumps on her side, she'll still be unhappy. She might even find a way to try to blame it on me. Ok, this analogy is clearly hyperbolic. Maybe even a little hyperbolic to the extreme.

I don't want to get into too many details, because they aren't important. I just need to remember that I love her, she's still growing, and she has grown up a lot. For every hard moment, there are actually two or three easier moments, which is an immense improvement over our interactions in the past. We used to have the opposite. Can you imagine two or three hard moments for each easier moment? Oy.

Anyways, I love my sister. I'm trying. Here's hoping she'll try a little harder, too.

Monday, November 19, 2012


I'm sick.  I'm really bad at being sick.  I get whiney, lonely, and overly emotional about stupid things.  Now that I think about it, I might have been getting sick when I posted my last post.  I wasn't feeling well yesterday, but I thought it was a fluke.

Oh, no.  Definitely not a fluke.  I think I got the head cold my coworker had.  She said it was bad.  She described her symptoms this morning in the exact order I've been having them.  She said it got so bad that her eyes felt like they were going to pop.  I haven't gotten to that stage yet, but I'm definitely uncomfortable.

I love how supportive administration was today.  My VP (Vice Principal for those who think in a different context than schools) asked me what my classes are for tomorrow, and she's going to have my classes join her PE classes for tomorrow.  So thankful we won't need to find a sub.  She also covered one of my classes this afternoon so I could go home after our Middle School rehearsal.

Here's the kicker.  I've been in bed for about an hour.  I'm already restless.  I know I need to lay down and rest, but I honestly cannot stand it!  I'm going to be in bed all day tomorrow, too, and I am not really looking forward to it.  This is how I know I'm genuinely sick.  I normally look forward to crawling into bed and getting cozy.  I also like watching tv shows on DVD while cuddling up under my blanket.

Again, I've been in bed for about ONE hour, and I'm so beyond restless.  Ugh.

HELP!!! (Not that I can think of a way you could fix it...)

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Emotional Rollercoaster.

Ok, now, really?  Being a girl really stinks right now.  Talk about life being an emotional rollercoaster.

Do I know why?  Absolutely not!  But that's where I'm at right now.  Ugh.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Long week

This week is shaping up to be a long week.  I'm exhausted, and it's silly.  We got an extra hour of sleep this weekend, so why am I so stinking tired?

I am beginning to think that the weeks I'm busiest are the best for my tiredness levels.  What I mean is, last week I was much busier than I am this week, and I was not NEARLY as tired last week as I am this week.

Seriously. Is it really the business that affects it?  Or is there something else?

Do you have times like this?  Where you feel way more tired than you think you should be?

Monday, November 5, 2012

Minor victories

So, I just wanted to share a minor weight-loss victory.

I have been working (slowly) on losing weight.  I've noticed it, coworkers and friends have noticed it, and I'm feeling better about myself little bits at a time.

However, today as I was walking down the stairs at work, I looked down.  Here's the background before I explain further.  Normally (well, prior to this weight loss), every time I would look down at myself, I would see my belly sticking out past my boobs.  I'm being blunt, because it's the facts and contributes to the "victory".  Every stinkin' time, my belly would be hanging out past my boobs.  It was annoying, and it made me feel just so incredibly fat.

Now, today on the other hand, I looked down.  I saw my boobs, but my belly wasn't hanging out past them!  I had to lean funny in order to see my belly sticking out, which means it is shrinking!!  SUCCESS!

Anyways, I wanted to share my victory with someone, and I felt like this was the right place to do that. :)

Saturday, November 3, 2012


I just thought I'd share a recipe.  I just threw stuff together, so there aren't any set measurements.

I cut up a red bell pepper and a small yellow onion.  I sauteed them in a skillet with olive oil, salt, and pepper.

While they were sauteeing, I cracked 4 eggs into a bowl and beat them together.

When the onions and peppers were cooked, I added a little bit of buffalo sauce (I'm on a buffalo kick lately).  Then I added the eggs to the skillet.

When the eggs were cooked through, I poured the mixture onto a plate.  I topped it with just a little bit of shredded mozzarella cheese.

SO good.

Friday, November 2, 2012

I am a bad Quaker

So, there are a lot of things...ok, fine, a few things...that Quakers believe that I am just NOT good at.

First of all, generally, Quakers are commonly "teetotalers".  If you don't know what that means, google it for a real explanation.  This one probably isn't coherent.  Let's be honest.  Quakers don't drink alcohol.  Really.  That's the idea, anyways.

Quakers don't practice communion.  There's this whole reason (which I'm not sure I understand) about rituals and not doing things just for the sake of doing them.  But I have to be honest-I feel it's become a ritual to NOT take communion.  At least for my family.  Ok, really...just my dad.  Whatever.

Quakers practice quieting themselves.  See my post ( for my thoughts on this.

So...I'm a bad Quaker.  I drink.  Sometimes more than I "should".  I take communion (when I am "allowed").  I don't quiet myself very well.

I like many of the ideas that Quakers have, but these 3 areas are hardest for me.  I am just really bad at being a Quaker in these areas.  I am sure I could get better at it, but I don't think I want to.  Maybe I need to find a different denomination to claim as my own?  I don't currently attend a Quaker church, so maybe I need to determine if this church is a good fit for me, and then claim it?

Anyways, I am a bad Quaker.  I felt like you should know.