Thursday, September 21, 2017

In Between

There's something beautiful about the "in between". You know what I'm talking about? When it's not quite one thing, yet not quite the other...

In a variety of contexts this comes up. Between sleep and awake. Torn between two options in a decision. It's a common thing. There are songs about it. Here's a couple just for some examples:

The thing is, when you're in between it's really hard to understand exactly what's happening. Either you don't know which decision to make, or you feel lost, confused, unsure. 

That mystery can be a blessing. Certainty is such a limiting thing. I find that the students who are the most unsure of something learn the most when they dig into it. Those that are so sure they know what they are doing make the most mistakes and learn little from them. When you're willing to make mistakes, ask questions, and figure it out is when growth occurs.

I'm not saying that being a decisive person is bad. I'm not saying that being awake is bad (or asleep). I'm not saying that you should questions everything and trust nothing. That's not true.

What I AM saying, is this: open your heart, mind, and eyes to where you might be "in between". Embrace it. Let yourself lean into the unknown and stretch yourself beyond your usual boundaries. Don't get carried away, though. Know your limits and stay safe. But allow yourself to expand your horizons and try on something new. Maybe it's time to take a leap of faith? Maybe it's time to speak up and let your voice be heard? Maybe it's time to acknowledge something you've been hiding from yourself?

Monday, September 18, 2017

The Sun and Moon

I've been reflecting a lot the last few days on the dichotomy of light seen in the sun and the moon. Many would likely argue that the sun is the "greater" of these two lights, but I disagree.

The sun is well known for its bright light. It is often brought up during the cold, wet winter, when people miss it and long for its bright rays to spread warmth.  I've heard several idioms or phrases that use the sun to represent positivity and all things good.

The moon, on the other hand, can be spoken of in a negative light, almost like the overshadowed younger brother. I think the moon has a bad reputation, because so many overlook its beauty and functionality.

The moon has a quiet strength about it, especially when compared to the sun. I like to think of the sun as a bumbling fool, loudly announcing its presence to anyone who will listen. The moon, though, steps onto the scene while the sun is still shouting and seeking attention. It doesn't try to steal the sun's spotlight, but rather humbly waits its turn. Its almost as if it knows its time will come. Despite all the sun's hollering, it's the moon's quiet whisper through the night that brings hope to those who hear.

No one can deny the sun's brilliance. It's obvious to all who step outside on a sunny day. If you've ever been lost on a dark night, though, you likely realize that the moon can be brilliant as well. In the dead of night, when the world has gone to sleep, the moon calmly rests in the sky sharing its gentle beams with all who need light. No matter how dark the night gets, the moon is able to light the way.

The moon also goes through phases. Sometimes its brightness is full strength, and the moon is at its largest. Other times, its light wanes. During a "New Moon", its light even seems to disappear. The beauty of the phases, though, is that its light is never gone for long.

For me, the moon represents Jesus. He is described in the book of John, chapter 1, verses 4-5 as the light of all mankind. "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." No matter how dark the night, the moon's bright, yet gentle, light is not overcome by the darkness.

May you remember that Jesus is the light shining in the darkness. When you're enveloped in darkness, as we all can be from time to time, know that Jesus is there to light the way. Look to him. Seek his gentle light as your guide. It's there, even when you can't see it. When His light is hidden from view, maybe it's a sign to wait. Don't wander on your own. The light (Jesus) is never overcome by the darkness. Pause. Listen. Seek Him. His light will quietly announce itself in a whisper when the time is right.

(I love the moon. Don't even get me started on how the moon and the ocean interact, because that could be an entire blog of its own!)

P.S. I love the sun, too. I've just been considering the moon's beauty lately. ;)