Sunday, September 11, 2011

Note to our Country...or Society?

Dear America,
You need to stop being so selfish and learn to read. Here are my reasons:

#1, you need to learn to read because when your coupons expire, you can't use them! Seriously, people. If the date says you can't use them, why do you think I can automatically make it so you can use it? I am not a magician. I am also not a manager. Due to these pieces of information, it's important that you consider the expiration date BEFORE entering the store and attempting to use your coupon. Also, if YOU make a mistake (you're human, I'm aware) and try to use an expired coupon, please don't get mad at me. I am sincerely sorry that your coupon expired before you could use it. However, it's not my fault, and there's nothing I can do. Just so you're aware.

#2, If you can't read the fine print, then why read the ad at all? Our ad says the limit and the end date for the sales. Please read it. If the sale ends Wednesday, why one earth do you expect to receive the deal on the following Saturday? That's not how it works. Also, there are limits. If you bring 15 notebooks when the limit is 2, expect the total to be higher. Seriously.

#3, stop being selfish. Yes, we have coupons and cheap sales at times. But if you make a mistake, don't demand that we fix it for you. It's not my job to make sure that the world turns at the speed you expect. Make sure you've got your facts straight and that you're sure your deal/coupon is still in affect/usable. Otherwise, don't get mad at me. You're just being dumb.

Anyways, America, take a moment and consider things before you enter the store. Are you sure you know what you want? Are you sure your coupon is usable? If you can answer either of these questions with, "No," then get the heck out of our store. Our job is not to think for you, or to make sure that you can use things that are no longer good according to their date. Seriously. Think about it.


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